DISCIPLESHIP : 19. A guide to present day students who waste their life on decayed Communists thoughts, Think about Swami Vivekananda who in his short life span how much his contribution to the world, be like him, follow Swamiji for your Enlightenment - and not Yechuries, Rahuls, or Kejriwals!




   All Members,
    Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

 Sub : DISCIPLESHIP : - 19.
  (Delivered in San Francisco, on March 29, 1900)
 By Swami Vivekananda.


  Ref :   A guide to present day students who waste their life on decayed Communists thoughts, Think about Swami Vivekananda who in his short life span how much his contribution to the world, be like him, follow Swamiji for your Enlightenment - and not Yechuries, Rahuls, or Kejriwals.


What can be done?
Renunciation of the senses and desires is the only way out of this misery.
If you want to be spiritual, you must renounce.
This is the real test.

Give up the world — this nonsense of the senses.
There is only one real desire : - to know what is true, to be spiritual.
No more materialism, no more this egoism, I must become spiritual.
Strong, intense must be the desire.


If a man's hands and feet were so tied that he could not move and then if a burning piece of charcoal were placed on his body, he would struggle with all his power to throw it off.
When I shall have that sort of extreme desire, that restless struggle, to throw off this burning world, then the time will have come for me to glimpse the Divine Truth.


Look at me.


If I lose my little pocketbook with two or three dollars in it, I go twenty times into the house to find that pocketbook.
The anxiety, the worry, and the struggle!
If one of you crosses me, I remember it twenty years, I cannot forgive and forget it.
For the little things of the senses I can struggle like that. Who is there that struggles for God that way?


"Children forget everything in their play. The young are mad after the enjoyment of the senses; they do not care for anything else. The old are brooding over their past misdeeds"

 (Sri Swami Adi Sankaracharya )


They are thinking of their past enjoyments — old men that cannot have any enjoyment.
Chewing the cud — that is the best they can do.
None crave for the Lord in the same intense spirit with which they crave for the things of the senses.


Thank you for reading
  To be continued  ...



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