The Realisation of the Absolute : 1- (d) -1.

The Realisation of the Absolute :

1. Introduction :

(d). Way to Blessedness : 1.

This important factor is forgotten by the modern man, howevermuch educated he may be.

He has refused to walk freely with the workings of the Spiritual Nature and has attempted his best to centre himself in the state of individualised existence.

The misery of the present-day world may be attributed to this constrictive tendency in the human being, which is ever trying to block the way of the expansion of the spiritual consciousness.

The case of the half-baked material science and psychology may be specially mentioned here as being one of the forces obstructive to the happy process of Truth-realisation.

The ills caused by wrong methods of education, the social and political strifes, the individual evils and the world-degeneration are all effected by the one terrible fact that humanity has turned against the law of the Spiritual Reality.

So long as this self-destructive tendency of the human mind is not controlled, and man is not shown the correct way of procedure, the unhappy world has to be contented with its fate.

The remedy lies in our being sincere in taking recourse to the direct method of such Realisation here and now.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ...


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