DISCIPLESHIP : 22. A guide to present day students who waste their life on decayed Communists thoughts, Think about Swami Vivekananda who in his short life span how much his contribution to the world, be like him, follow Swamiji for your Enlightenment - and not Yechuries, Rahuls, or Kejriwals!


      All Members,
     Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

  Sub : DISCIPLESHIP : - 22.
  (Delivered in San Francisco, on March 29, 1900)
 By Swami Vivekananda.

  Ref :   A guide to present day students who waste their life on decayed Communists thoughts, Think about Swami Vivekananda who in his short life span how much his contribution to the world, be like him, follow Swamiji for your Enlightenment - and not Yechuries, Rahuls, or Kejriwals.

But we are trying to be disciples. Our sole concern is to know the highest truth. Our goal is the loftiest. We have said big words to ourselves — absolute realisation and all that.
Let us measure up to the words. Let us worship the spirit in spirit, standing on spirit. Let the foundation be spirit, the middle spirit, the culmination spirit.

There will be no world anywhere. Let it go and whirl into space — who cares? Stand thou in the spirit! That is the goal. We know we cannot reach it yet. Never mind.
Do not despair, and do not drag the ideal down.

The important thing is :-
how much less you think of the body, of yourself as matter — as dead, dull, insentient matter; how much more you think of yourself as shining immortal being. The more you think of yourself as shining immortal spirit, the more eager you will be to be absolutely free of matter, body, and senses. This is the intense desire to be free.

The fourth and last condition of discipleship is the discrimination of the real from the unreal.
There is only one thing that is real — God. All the time the mind must be drawn to Him, dedicated to Him.
God exists, nothing else exists, everything else comes and goes.
Any desire for the world is illusion, because the world is unreal.
More and more the mind must become conscious of God alone, until everything else appears as it really is — unreal.

These are the four conditions which one who wants to be a disciple must fulfil; without fulfilling them he will not be able to come in contact with the true Guru. And even if he is fortunate enough to find him, he will not be quickened by the power that the Guru may transmit.
There cannot be any compromising of these conditions.

With the fulfilment of these conditions — with all these preparations — the lotus of the disciple's heart will open, and the bee shall come. Then the disciple knows that the Guru was within the body, within himself. He opens out. He realises.

He crosses the ocean of life, goes beyond. He crosses this terrible ocean: and in mercy, without a thought of gain or praise, he in his turn helps others to.

Next with another text :-
Thank you for reading
  To be continued  ...



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