DISCIPLESHIP : -2. A guide to present day students who waste their life on decayed Communists thoughts, Think about Swami Vivekananda who in his short life span how much his contribution to the world, be like him, follow Swamiji for your Enlightenment - and not Yechuries, Rahuls, or Kejriwals.

Chinmaya Mission School




All Members,

Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

(Delivered in San Francisco, on March 29, 1900)
By Swami Vivekananda

Ref : A guide to present day students who waste their life on decayed Communists thoughts, Think about Swami Vivekananda who in his short life span how much his contribution to the world, be like him, follow Swamiji for your Enlightenment - and not Yechuries, Rahuls, or Kejriwals.

It is not easy to be a disciple; great preparations are necessary; many conditions have to be fulfilled. Four principal conditions are laid down by the Vedantists.

The first condition is that the student who wants to know the truth must give up all desires for gain in this world or in the life to come.

The truth is not what we see. What we see is not truth as long as any desire creeps into the mind. God is true, and the world is not true.

So long as there is in the heart the least desire for the world, truth will not come. Let the world fall to ruin around my ears: I do not care.

So with the next life; I do not care to go to heaven. What is heaven? Only the continuation of this earth.

We would be better and the little foolish dreams we are dreaming would break sooner if there were no heaven, no continuation of this silly life on earth.

By going to heaven we only prolong the miserable illusions.

What do you gain in heaven? You become gods, drink nectar, and get rheumatism. There is less misery there than on earth, but also less truth.

The very rich can understand truth much less than the poorer people.

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

The rich man has no time to think of anything beyond his wealth and power, his comforts and indulgences.

The rich rarely become religious. Why? Because they think, if they become religious, they will have no more fun in life.

In the same way, there is very little chance to become spiritual in heaven; there is too much comfort and enjoyment there — the dwellers in heaven are disinclined to give up their fun.

Thank you for reading


To be continued  ...


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