The Realisation of the Absolute :4-4.1.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 4.1

4. Space, Time and Causation-1.

The Imperishable Being is declared as That in which space is woven breadthwise and lengthwise, in which is everything that is above the heaven, beneath the earth, between the heaven and the earth, that which is past, present and future, as woven within and throughout through space.

“This Brahman has neither front nor behind, neither inner nor outer.” It is the spaceless infinitude “which is beneath and above, to the west and the east, to the south and the north; it alone is this whole existence” (Chh. Up., VII. 25).

“It is infinite on all sides.” Spatiality is the admission of difference which is detrimental to the rigorous non-duality of Brahman.

Space is a lapse from pure perfection, for it allows in temporality in existence.

“This Self is smaller than a grain of rice; this Self is greater than the whole universe” (Chh. Up., III. 14. 3).

“This Self is a part of the hundredth part of the point of a hair subdivided again a hundredfold; and this rises to Infinitude” (Svet. Up., V. 9).

Indivisibility implies independence over space, for all that is in space is divisible. Omnipresence is spacelessness. Brahman is there, and that which is there is here (vide Katha Up., II. 1. 10).

“As a Unity alone is this to be known, this immeasurable eternal being;” “he goes to death after death who perceives duality here” (Brih. Up., IV. 4. 20, 19).

Thus, space is transcended in Brahman.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ...


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