The Realisation of the Absolute :4-3-8.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 3.8

3. Brahman as Bliss or Happiness-8.

If happiness is commonly experienced through the contact of the subject with the object, and, if happiness cannot be the nature of the object in itself, it must be the nature of either the subject or the process of contact.

The process of contact is not self-existent, but is a mode of thought expressed by the subject of knowledge itself.

Hence, happiness must belong to the subject alone.

But, then, why is contact necessary for rousing the happiness present in the subject?

The truth is that when a subject imagines or is looking at an object of love and comes in contact with it, it is really imagining, looking at or experiencing the form taken by the expression of its own want or desire which has pervaded that object of cognition or perception.

It is the desire of the subject that shines and is attractive in the object.

Beauty is in the beholder.

When the subject contacts the desirable object, it only rejoices over its own desires, identifies itself with these desires, and consequently, for a while, the desires cease to function, they being in union with the subject due to the feeling of satisfaction on account of the notion that the desired object has been possessed.

As there is consciousness already in the subject, it has then a temporary consciousness of the absence of desires, of the identity of the objective process of thought knowing the object, with itself.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ...


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