PRACTICAL STEPS TO INNER PEACE - 1.1. Sri Swami Chidananda


Friday, June, 04, 2021. 9:13.AM.


Radiant Immortal Atman! Beloved brethren in the divine and my very dear fellow citizens of Bharatavarsha! 


This disciple and servant of beloved and worshipful Guru Maharaj Swami Sivanandaji is very happy to be amidst you all and have this golden opportunity of serving you by this three days’ sharing.

Peace is essentially an inner state of mind.


Whatever is being shared is not so much only for knowing but also for practising. If you want to gain acertain tangible outcome from anything, you have to work for it. Then only results start coming. Science students have theory classes in chemistry, physics etc. But they also have to go into the laboratory where the theories are actually proved. It is practice that ultimately leads to results. And continuous practice makes the results a permanent gain. Otherwise they can come, and they can also go.


 A journey is a continuous activity until the destination is reached. Even if you are very enthusiastic to reach a certain place, you start by taking steps. But if you stop in the middle, your gains will be limited to that particular point. In this connection, I would quote for you two sayings: one very, very ancient and the other ultra-modern. The ultra-modern saying is given to us by Guru Maharaj Swami Sivanandaji. I say he is ultra-modern because he lived to see the first Russian sputnik go into orbit. He was here when the negative outcome of scientific technology resulted in snuffing out 25,000 lives in the mid-forties, the result of nuclear fission. He knew what such atomic energy was. He knew what a test-tube baby was. Gurudev’s saying is, “What you know is to be put into practice". The immediate starting should not be postponed. The more you postpone a beneficial process, the more you deprive yourself of its fullest gains. When your action is going to bring about some good to you, you must set about doing it immediately. You must have a concern about your own highest good. 


Just as our ancients said, “You must be conscious of your own good and you must work out your own good”. Why? Because, if you are in a good condition,M you will be able to be of maximum benefit to humanity. That is the highest utilisation of life.


Now, willy-nilly man has come to realise, that it is not enough to be good only to fellow human beings and to other creatures for the sake of compassion. Compassion is the great passion of the human heart,and it is necessary to be kind and protective to all forms of life. They have now discovered that the entire fabric of life is one single, homogeneous, interconnected phenomenon. It is a delicate structure, where everything else affects everything else. And so, we cannot isolate ourselves as human society and ride roughshod over other forms of life; even moss and other legions that grow in water and moist places, they are part of a delicate ecological system within which everything supports everything. They have found that all life is One, all life is totally interdependent.


You cannot harm one aspect of this life and get away with it. It will ultimately have a repercussion in some totally unexpected way, even upon your own life. We are all totally interdependent. Therefore, our beneficial attitude and activity towards all living beings has become a must. They call it Para Upakara.


To be continued ...



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