The Realisation of the Absolute : 1 - (d) - 2.

The Realisation of the Absolute :

1. Introduction :

(d). Way to Blessedness : 2.

Humanity has to be cent-per-cent spiritual.

Those who think that they are doing injustice to the world through their act of Self-realisation have naturally to be regarded as having not gone above the credulity of childhood.

For, they have forgotten that the Self which is the Absolute includes the whole universe, and far transcends it.

It is the obtaining of everything, and not the losing of anything.

The welfare of society rests in its spirituality.

Society is a formation of bodies effected through the unconscious spiritual bond existing among beings belonging to the same genus or species.

The social bond is stronger among those who think alike and who practise the same conduct.

This bond is the strongest among those who are in the same level of the depth of consciousness.

All this is a feeble reflection of the essential nature of the indivisibility of Existence which is One.

Human beings have to know and act according to this spiritual law, and its acceptance should not be merely for the purpose of academical research, but has to be the foundation of the daily life of everyone in general.

Unity in the world necessitates a heart-to-heart feeling of oneness among its inhabitants.

This is the need of the hour.

This is the task of the political and the religious heads.

This is what is going to pave the way of blessedness to the whole universe.

The Upanishads are our guide-lights in this supreme pursuit. Let us understand and follow them with sincerity, faith, calmness, surety and persistence.


Swami Krishnananda

NEXT : Chapter-2.The Nature of the World

To be continued  ..



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