1.#Opinion : Sunday 22, September 2024, 05:30. 3677./2 #The Yoga System - 1 :Swami Krishnananda.//
===================================================================================== 1.#Opinion : Sunday 22, September 2024, 05:30. 3677/ Yoga & Meditation 2.#Yoga System: 1. Chapter 1: Psychological Presuppositions - 1. Swami Krishnananda. =================================================================================== It is necessary, at the outset, to clear certain misconceptions in regard to yoga, prevalent especially among some sections in the West. Yoga is not magic or a feat of any kind, physical or mental. Yoga is based on a sound philosophy and deep psychology. It is an educational process by which the human mind is trained to become more and more natural and weaned from the unnatural conditions of life. Yoga has particular concern with psychology, and, as a study of the 'self', it transcends both general and abnormal psychology, and leads one to the supernormal level of life. In yoga we study ourselves, while in our colleges we are told to study objects. No...