
Showing posts from May, 2016

WORK AND ITS SECRET-15. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Satsang-Sri Ramakrishna Mission Opinion       31/05/2016.       577.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-15. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 15. Is it not a shame that at one moment we talk so much of our manhood, of our being gods — that we know everything, we can do everything, we are blameless, spotles...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-14. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Satsangam of Children-Chinmaya Mission- Singapore Opinion       28/05/2016.       572.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-14. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 14. We are all the time, from our childhood, trying to lay the blame upon something outside ourselves. We are always standing up to set right other people, and not our...

The Realisation of the Absolute : 4.5.17.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 5.17. 5. Brahman as God or Ishvara-17. Further, the view that the freed souls should wait in the state of Ishvara until the dissolution of Ishvara himself after the universal cycle, would only show that Ishvara himself is controlled by the process of the creation, preservation and destruction of the universe, and that he has no freedom to stop it though it is his own will. If the world-process is only a sport of Ishvara, it cannot become a rigid routine, as a rule of duty cannot be a sport. We cannot say that Ishvara should abide by the process of the system of world-manifestation, etc., since manifestation and all that is connected with it is in time, and Ishvara is regarded as being the condition of even time. The theory that the creation of Ishvara is independent of that of the individuals, where the latter is the cause of bondage, a superimposition of relative values on universally existent attributeless independent objects, is not convincing. ...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-13. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Satsangam - Sri Ramakrishna Mission Opinion       26/05/2016.       567.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-13. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 13. All this we have to avoid: therefore I say, we require superdivine power. Superhuman power is not strong enough. Super-divine strength is the only way, the one way out. By it alone we can pass through all these intricacies, thro...

The Realisation of the Absolute : 4.5.16.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 5.16. 5. Brahman as God or Ishvara-16. An eternal plurality or duality contradicts the absoluteness of Reality, which is equal to denying Reality altogether. If it is said that Ishvara is not directly connected with creation but only helps in the manifestation of the world which is necessitated by the dormant potencies of the unliberated individuals, the question arises, ‘Who created the individuals?’ It is said that the individuals are only the forms which Ishvara has imagined himself to be. If Ishvara is omnipotent, he can at any time cease from imagining thus. If he is to cause creation every time, after every world-cycle, and work like a clock, Ishvara can only be a machine and does not seem to have freedom of thought and action. Moreover, he seems to be working in strict consonance with the rules which he himself has framed! If the state of dissolution of the universe at the end of a cycle is forced upon Ishvara’s experience, he is no m...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-12. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Satsangam at Sri Ramakrishna Mission Opinion       24/05/2016.       562.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-12. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 12. I know the difficulties. Tremendous they are, and ninety per cent of us become discouraged and lose heart, and in our turn, often become pessimists and cease to believe in sincerity, love, and all that is grand and noble. So, we...

The Realisation of the Absolute : 4.5.15.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 5.15. 5. Brahman as God or Ishvara-15. That Brahman becomes Ishvara in any way is not a fact, and if it is a fact, the whole of philosophy which posits the existence of the Absolute Reality would become a self-contradiction and absurdity. To make Brahman pass into another form is to deny Brahman. The theory, which holds that Ishvara’s creation of individuals which are responsible for the nature of the world manifested is determined by the potentialities of the previous world-cycle, makes Ishvara a creature of time, divests him of omnipotence and freedom and creates an eternal duality of Ishvara and the material stuff called potentiality of creation in addition to a real multiplicity of individuals. Such an artificial view of Ishvara shows how it is valid only as a practical device for the explanation of the difficulties of the individual, and how it is not possible to conceive of an Ishvara real in himself. This view of creation is a r...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-11. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Chinmaya Mission -Dallas-USA Opinion       21/05/2016.       557.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-11. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 11. Be, therefore, not a beggar; be unattached This is the most terrible task of life! You do not calculate the dangers on the path. Even by intellectually recognising the difficulties, we really do not know them until we feel them. From a di...

The Realisation of the Absolute : 4.5.14.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 5.14. 5. Brahman as God or Ishvara-14. This is the Nature of Reality as appearing to put on all names, all forms and all actions, though these three aspects are the one being, the Self (Brih. Up., I. 6). The Upanishads do not make much practical difference between Ishvara and Brahman, and hold that “Brahman is both the Formed and the Formless” (Brih. Up., II. 3. 1). They voice both the phenomenal and the absolute points of view. The proofs for the existence of Ishvara really turn to be proofs for the existence of Brahman. In fact there cannot be any strictly logical proof for the existence of an Ishvara who is different from Brahman. The moment we admit something which distinguishes Ishvara from Brahman, we bring forward a reality which is neither Ishvara nor Brahman. The Absolute which is ever consistent with itself does not allow in any extraneous principle which would limit Pure Existence. Ishvara is Brahman defined by the creative will...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-10. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Children activity at Chinmaya Mission -Kenya ( Mombasa ) Opinion       18/05/2016.       550.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-10. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 10. But nature puts a hand on your throat and makes your hands open. Whether you will it or not, you have to give. The moment you say, "I will not", the blow comes; you are hurt. None is there but will be compelled...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-9. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Opinion       16/05/2016.       545.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-9. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 9. The great secret of true success, of true happiness, then, is this: the man who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish man, is the most successful. It seems to be a paradox. Do we not know that every man who is unselfish in life gets cheated, gets hurt? Apparently...

The Realisation of the Absolute : 4.5.13.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 5.13. 5. Brahman as God or Ishvara-13. God chooses all and excludes none who looks up to Him; He helps even those who do not know Him! Even a villain and an outcaste reaches Him through His grace. God is the ocean of compassion. He is the justest Ruler, the most beloved Parent of all. The condition “whom He chooses” exalts the supreme factor of self-sacrifice and self-abnegation and a flowing of oneself with the Divine Force, as against the egoistic undertakings of the individual, viz., scholarship, etc., which lead to self-conceit and inordinate pride. The passage also means that it is to be obtained only by that which one seeks to obtain, i.e., the Seeker is himself the Supreme Object which is the Sought. The subject and the object are one in Truth. No separate independence should be asserted with good as its effect. We are also cautioned to have the consciousness of the sole existence of the One Purusha, even when we offer sacrifices to d...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-8. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Opinion       12/05/2016.       538.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-8. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 8. If you come to trade, if it is a question of give-and-take, if it is a question of buy-and-sell, abide by the laws of buying and selling. There is a bad time and there is a good time; there is a rise and a fall in prices: always you expect the blow to come. It is like ...

Politics of ‘compromise’ between UDF, LDF in Kerala : PM Modi

Opinion 11/05/2016. 534.  All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation. Sub : Seeking votes for BJP-NDA candidates, Modi highlighted the various development and welfare schemes launched by NDA government in the last two years in office. Ref :  Politics of ‘compromise’ between UDF, LDF in Kerala : PM Modi Media Reports The India Express May 8, 2016  “A new model of politics has come up in Kerala. It is an adjustment politics, politics of compromise, politics of corruption and politics of contract to save each other,” he said at an election meeting in Kasaragod, Kerala. (Source: PTI) 1. The politics of “compromise and contract” between the UDF and the LDF has so far ruled Kerala whose educated electorate have been “insulted” by the two sides, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday. “A new model of politics has come up in Kerala. It is an adjustment politics, politics of compromise, politics of co...

The Realisation of the Absolute : 4.5.12.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 5.12. 5. Brahman as God or Ishvara-12. The Supreme Lord is the Power of powers. “Agni cannot burn even a piece of straw; Vayu cannot blow even a piece of straw, apart from the Will of the Supreme” (Kena Up., III). All beings, even the gods, even the greatest powers, execute their functions properly due to their dread for this Supreme. The Great Lord can do or undo or otherwise do the whole universe in the quick flash of a fraction of a single moment! He is also the boundless ocean of Knowledge. Even the gods cannot see Him. He cannot be known even through penance and sacrifice. This Atman is not to be comprehended through mere discourse, intellectuality or extensive hearing; He is obtained only by him (to) whom He chooses (to reveal His Nature)” (Katha Up., I. 2. 23). This does not mean that God is an autocratic despot acting as He likes, regardless of the feelings and grievances of others. This would be a very poor interpretation of the...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-7. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Opinion       09/05/2016.       532.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-7. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 7. At the same time, we not only want this mighty power of love, this mighty power of attachment, the power of throwing our whole soul upon a single object, losing ourselves and letting ourselves be annihilated, as it were, for other souls — which is the power of the gods...

The Realisation of the Absolute : 4.5.11.

Chapter 4: The Nature of Reality : 5.11. 5. Brahman as God or Ishvara-11. A declaration is made in this, which strikes terror into the man of the world; the individual and the cosmos, the soul and God are one! “That thou art, O Svetaketu!” This may not be easy to accept, but only this can be the truth. This alone removes all contradictions in life, this truth alone stands unsublated. “The Purusha is what is and what is not.” “He who dwells in all beings, and is other than all beings, whom all beings do not know, whose body are all beings, who controls all beings from within—This is thy Self, the Inner Ruler, the Immortal” (Brih. Up., III. 7. 15). “In the space within the heart lies the Ruler of all, the Lord of all, the King Of all... He is the Overlord of all beings, the King of all beings, the Protector of all beings” (Brih. Up., IV. 4. 22). “Etad vai tat—This, verily, is That.” Swami Krishnananda   To be continued  ..

WORK AND ITS SECRET-6. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Chinmaya Vidyalaya Bokaro - IT Lab. Opinion       05/05/2016.       524.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-6. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 6. The difficulty is that there must be as much power of attachment as that of detachment. There are men who are never attracted by anything. They can never love, they are hard-hearted and apathetic; they escape most of the miserie...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-5. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Opinion       03/05/2016.       519.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-5. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 5. Attachment is the source of all our pleasures now. We are attached to our friends, to our relatives; we are attached to our intellectual and spiritual works; we are attached to external objects, so that we get pleasure from them. What, again, brings misery but this v...

WORK AND ITS SECRET-4. "Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons from some foolish political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and stupid bunch;" Listen What Swami Vivekananda says -

Opinion       02/05/2016.       514.           All Members,         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.       VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY STUDENTS : -   Sub :   WORK AND ITS SECRET-4. Swami Vivekananda (Delivered at Los Angeles, California, January 4, 1900)    Ref : Students duty to study, and not politics; Teachers duty to teach, and not politics, Today, few teachers and students take stupid lessons  from some foolish  political parties and leaders, such as Communists, Congress, and  stupid  bunch; Listen What  Swami Vivekananda  says - 4. That is the one cause of misery: we are attached, we are being caught. Therefore says the Gita : - Work constantly; work, but be not attached; be not caught. Reserve unto yourself the power of detaching yourself from everything, however beloved, however much the...